In this session, we will explore how to use College AIM in strategic planning by giving examples of components with higher effectiveness and discuss options for bringing key partners and collaborators together to generate a comprehensive plan for prevention. Our goal is to deliver this session to demonstrate the great benefits of this tool, that can effectively showcase the tangible value of prevention. Free registration.
Upcoming External Higher Education Learning Opportunities
NCSSLE posts upcoming higher education webinars and conferences that are hosted externally from the Center. This page compiles all upcoming events that have been posted in the Center’s Higher Education e-Digest.
NOTE: These events are hosted externally and may be available for only a limited time. Please contact the hosting organization directly to obtain archived content.
Strategic Planning for Alcohol Prevention with NIAAA’s College Alcohol Intervention Matrix (College AIM)
Tue, 09/24/2024 - 12:00 pm EDT
Ethics and the Collegiate Recovery Professional
Wed, 09/25/2024 - 2:00 pm EDT
This session, hosted in collaboration with the Association of Recovery in Higher Education (ARHE), will explore the newly released 2023 Ethical Considerations for the Collegiate Recovery Professional. The webinar will focus on understanding and applying ARHE’s Ethical Principles for professionals in collegiate recovery programs. Participants will gain insights into the core ethical principles and learn how to apply at least three of the six outlined principles to their work. The session will provide an opportunity to address common ethical dilemmas and share strategies for resolution. Free registration.
Designing Equitable Career-Connected Accelerated Pathways with Hispanic-Serving Institutions
Thu, 10/03/2024 - 11:00 am EDT
On behalf of assistant secretary Amy Loyd, we invite you to participate in the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education’s (OCTAE) 2024 Equity Summit Webinar Series entitled Equity in Career Connected Education: Advancing Economic Mobility. This series was developed from the 2022 Advancing Equity in Career-Connected Education Summit (Summit). This event was an important component of the Department of Education’s ongoing efforts to implement Executive Order 13985, Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government. One of the goals of the Summit was to identify themes and topics across those issue areas for further exploration, such as data, state or local roles, the role of industry, or existing systemic challenges such as misaligned incentives in adult education, career technical education, community colleges, and correctional education. Based on what we learned from the Summit, the webinars will focus on dual enrollment, digital literacy, career pathways, gender equity, and other areas. This webinar will focus on designing career-connected pathways for Hispanic-Serving Institutions. More information.
Action Collaborative on Preventing Sexual Harassment 2024 Public Summit
Tue, 10/15/2024 - 8:00 am EDT
Michigan State University and Virtually Online
This Public Summit of the National Academies is an open forum for those in the higher education ecosystem collaboratively to identify, discuss, and elevate innovative and promising approaches and new research on addressing and preventing sexual harassment. This annual event brings together a diverse group, including members and partner network organizations of the Action Collaborative, the broader higher education community, sexual harassment researchers and response practitioners, grassroots and nonprofit organizations, public and private foundations, and federal and state policymakers. For questions and any additional information, please email
Student Success US 2024
Mon, 10/28/2024 - 8:00 am EDT
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Inside Higher Ed and Times Higher Education will bring together higher education professionals in academic affairs, enrollment, advising and career services to take a 360-degree view of student success. This in-person event is sure to give your team just the inspiration and pragmatic solutions to keep them succeeding. Join us for panel discussions, workshops, and networking sessions. With four different themes from which to choose, there is something for everyone. Check out our newly launched event agenda.
NASPA Strategies Conferences
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 8:00 am EST
Boston, MA
The NASPA Strategies Conferences provide student affairs practitioners with the knowledge and skills to effectively address collegiate alcohol and drug misuse prevention, mental health, sexual violence prevention and response, peer education, and well-being through a variety of comprehensive and integrative approaches. More information.
Mental Health on College Campuses: From Insight to Action
Tue, 04/01/2025 - 8:00 am EDT
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Data and insight often hold the keys to developing innovative, meaningful solutions that address the growing concerns around college student mental health. This year’s conference, from the Eisenberg Family Depression Center at the University of Michigan, aims to explore how campuses of all sizes can bridge the gap between data and practice to address emerging student needs while improving overall well-being. Proposals should relate to this year’s conference theme. More information.
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