

Family and parents are critical for the healthy development of their children; happy, healthy children have a positive impact on the climate of the school, resulting in improvement in academic outcomes.


Featured Resources

Growing up Drug-Free: A Parent's Guide to Prevention cover page

Provides a user-friendly guide for what to do and how to communicate about the harmful effects of illicit drugs and alcohol to children from elementary through high school. Organized in 6 major sections: 1) What You Should Know 2) What Substances Do Children, Youth, and Young Adults Use? 3) Why Do Children, Youth, and Young Adults Use Drugs? 4) How Do I Talk to My Child About Drugs? 5) What If I Think My Child is Using Drugs? 6) Resources. 

Handbook on Family and Community Engagement cover page

Provides educators, community leaders, and parents with a survey of the best research and practice related to engaging families and communities in students’ learning and academic, social, and emotional development. Includes chapters on aspirations and expectations, self-efficacy, homework and study habits, engaging families in reading, reading and literacy, college and career readiness, partnerships, and more.

Tips for Talking to Children and Youth After Traumatic Events: A Guide for Parents and Educators cover page

Helps parents and teachers recognize and address problems in children and teens affected by trauma after an act of violence; describes signs of stress reactions that are common in young trauma survivors at different ages, and offers tips on how to help.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

The contents of the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments Web site were assembled under contracts from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Supportive Schools to the American Institutes for Research (AIR), Contract Number  91990021A0020.

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