Appendix D: Proctor Script for in-School Student Survey (sample)

Good morning/afternoon.

You’re here because the [school/district] wants to conduct a survey to hear your opinions about your school. The survey will ask your opinion on questions ranging from student engagement, to bullying, to the conditions of the school building itself. Your answers will be used to improve the school experience for you, your fellow students, and your teachers. Your teachers, and in fact all the staff in your school, will also have the chance to voice their opinions on similar surveys. Even your parents will receive a survey and the chance to have their say.

Your [school/district] wants to hear from everyone, so your participation is very important. But it’s also voluntary. You do not have to take the survey and you can skip any question you don’t want to answer.

Please answer the questions as best you can. If you are unsure about the meaning of a survey question, do your best to answer it on your own. In order to maintain privacy, I will not be able to help you interpret the meaning of questions. Similarly, you should not ask other students or look at their responses.

When you have finished the survey, please sit quietly and do not disturb your fellow students.

Now, take the username in front of you, and use it to log in to the survey. Write down the PIN number that is given to you on the screen. You will need this to go back and finish the survey if you are interrupted for some reason. You are the only person who has access to this PIN and there is no way to look it up, so make sure you write it down and keep it safe. Do not begin the survey until instructed. Once I have made sure everyone has successfully logged in and written down the PIN displayed on the page, I will move to  a part of the room where I cannot see anyone’s answers, and at that time I will instruct you to begin.

Now that everyone has reached the PIN page, please begin.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

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