The Secretary of Education (Secretary) invites interested parties to submit nominations for individuals for appointment to serve on the Regional Advisory Committees (RACs). The Secretary is establishing the RACs to collect information on the education needs of each region and how those needs may be addressed through technical assistance activities provided by Comprehensive Centers. We are seeking individuals who may serve as effective representatives who can speak to the educational needs within each region from the following categories:
- LEA representatives, including rural and urban LEAs;
- Practicing educators, including classroom teachers, school principals, other school administrators, school board members, and other local school officials;
- Parents;
- Institutions of higher education, including university-based education research and university-based research on subjects other than education;
- Business representatives; and
- Researchers.
Nominations may be submitted to following the instructions in the “ADDRESSES” section of the Request for nominations to serve on the Regional Advisory Committees published in the Federal Register on April 11, 2023. The deadline for nominations is May 11, 2023. For more details regarding the RACs and the nomination process, please consult the Request for nominations.